plan, design, grow
Exynex allows you to know what your data do websites & apps collect.

The idea of creating a service with which you can study detailed statistics about what data online services collect about their users looks fresh and relevant.


There are solutions on the market that allow you to automate work with tracker data and service restrictions, but they lack a simple and minimalistic interface that will make it easier to work with large amounts of data.


The service contains a huge database of Internet services for which you can find detailed information: which trackers are used, which permissions are required for correct operation, how reliable the developers are and how high the risks of using these products are.

All the necessary information can be found using a search based on smart algorithms.

Each application has a structured page with detailed data on trackers, permissions, as well as an algorithm-based assessment that shows how safe it is to use the service.


After launching and a series of tests and optimizations, MVP confirmed viability with a YoY traffic growth forecast of 132%.

Uncovering spies with Exynex
Senior product designer
Product design, design systems
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